Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Tentacled Menace

I've had dreams of bio-engineering flying jellyfish for years. I don't know that the comic adequately captures my vision . . . Picture a pastoral scene by the sea. Jellyfish the size of school buses silently rise from the dark ocean water and sweep inland. Several of them contract their bodies briefly, increasing their density and allowing them to descend long enough to pick up whole cows before rising again and rejoining the swarm. Perhaps a city glimmers in the distance, its inhabitants totally unprepared for the ancient behemoths that approach. Some secretive and marginally manic music plays in the background (Middlesex Times by Michael Andrews - from the Donnie Darko soundtrack - sounds about right). Ahh. It will be glorious.

1 comment:

Chase Million said...

Red Dawn meets red tide?

I like it.